Avoiding Heat Stroke In A Camper Without Air Conditioning

High-quality campers are likely to have an air conditioner to protect its owner from severe heat. However, there is still a chance that the air conditioner may go out. It is also possible that the camper simply doesn't have this system. Thankfully, there are several ways to manage this problem effectively:

Pack Healthy Liquids For Heat Stroke

When finding foods for the camper's refrigerator, make sure to pack liquids that help with heat stroke. For example, onion choice applied behind the ears and on the chest can decrease body temperature. However, plum juice and buttermilk can also be consumed to replenish the body with vital vitamins and nutrients after suffering from a serious heat stroke.

These items should be placed in the refrigerator of the camper within easy grabbing distance. Placing them in the door is a good idea because they won't end up getting stuck behind any other food items. However, there are other steps that must be taken to protect a camper from serious heat stroke.

Make A Heat Problem Pack

Another great addition to a camper is a heat stroke problem pack. This pack should include a variety of items, including cool water with high levels of electrolytes. A good pack should also include shades to place on the windows of the camper. These can help block heat from entering the camper and trap in cool air during the night.

Other items that are smart to have in a heat problem pack include a blanket (for elevating the feet), pillows (for comfort when lying down), and cooling pads that can rest easily on the skin. These are typically quite inexpensive and are good to take when taking a camper to a hot part of the country. In fact, hikers should consider taking this pack with them when hiking outside of their camper.

Don't Forget A Portable Air Conditioner

If the above steps aren't enough to avoid serious heat stroke while in a camper, it is a good idea to invest in a portable air conditioner. It is often possible to install these in the windows of the camper bedroom and to use it to stay cool during severe heat. However, there are also floor models that can be used to cool the sitting area in the camper.

Avoid making it too cool in the camper or it is possible to cause a severe reaction in the body when going in and out. A good idea is to set it to about 15 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the outside. This temperature range is typically comfortable enough for most people to withstand.

By following these simple tips, it is possible to turn a camper into a relaxing and comfortable place to be. They are perfect for the owner who plans on taking their RV out regularly and who has a tendency to suffer from heat stroke.
