Useful Tricks For Those Dealing With Flywheel Resurfacing

In order to keep vehicles from stalling, flywheels are used. They will eventually reach a point of excessive friction and heat, which will have to be addressed by a process known as resurfacing. Only then will this component's condition and performance be restored. You can have success with this restoration thanks to these tricks.

Perform a Thorough Inspection First 

Not every flywheel resurfacing will play out the same. It really just depends on the condition of the flywheel and the specific problems that are present. As such, make sure you thoroughly inspect the flywheel before attempting to resurface it. Check for issues like surface cracks and blisters because they'll dictate how the flywheel resurfacing needs to take place and what equipment you use to see a meaningful restoration. 

Replace the Flywheel if the Cracks Are Deep

During your flywheel inspection, you may see that some cracks have developed. This typically happens if the flywheel is old and hasn't ever been resurfaced before. Make sure you assess the severity of these cracks before beginning this restoration. After all, they can't be too deep. If they are, then the flywheel isn't going to hold up for long when exposed to any amount of pressure. If you have cracks that go beyond the initial surface, the best thing to do is to find a replacement flywheel. That's going to keep your vehicle safe to drive going forward. Whereas if the cracks are just surface-level imperfections, you can still resurface this part and see optimal results.

Avoid Uneven Sections When Grinding

There are a couple of ways you can resurface a flywheel, with one of the more common options being grinding. If you're going down this restoration path, make sure you watch out for uneven sections. You don't want them being left behind because they could impact how a flywheel performs after being set back up in a vehicle. Make sure you inspect for uneven sections the entire time you grind with a lathe machine. Even after you finish, double-check for this potential problem so that you don't have lingering issues that show up unexpectedly in the future. 

When a flywheel has received enough wear and tear, it may still be salvageable through resurfacing. This can be done through grinding or cutting with machining tools. As long as you perform the right steps during your initial inspection and subsequent resurfacing, you can effectively restore worn flywheels. 

For more information, contact an auto shop that does flywheel resurfacing, such as P&O Brake.
